Friday, 11 March 2022

March 11


It is three months since I started my new life here in Penarth and in some ways it has made me a different man.

The exhilaration, bewildering  muddle of the first days setting up the flat I have bought was a lesson in itself. 

My determination to return to a more normal life after almost three years at Sunrise care home has been justified not only by my efforts but the enormous support, hard work of my family. Without Robert and Karen, my niece Brenda  and Ivor, and the encouragement of the rest of our large family it would have been impossible.

What have I learned from the upheaval?

So much. 

Perhaps the most significant change in me is learning the importance of patience, taking time to think and act; to be positive but not over ambitious.

I knew I could still look after myself; I had proved that at Sunrise where, while  the marvellous carers saw me through the worst pandemic months, I met most of my own needs, making my own breakfast and evening meal in my suite and  taking my medication.

Having a doctor visiting weekly, the ‘surgery’ a few yards from my door, helped me get fit again and so able to consider a move.

Now everything is taking shape. I have all I need to live comfortably and safely. My mini kitchen is fully equipped and I am enjoying working out menus and preparing my meals. I have started ‘Bob’s Cook Book’ , noting the recipes of my successful meals,

But, back to the my new, live-alone lifestyle.

I have, all my adult life, been ‘on the go’, in work and play. Anxious not to waste time. Not always a good trait and one I  realise, impossible if I am to cope on my own.

I am now more positive, more deliberate than I have ever been. I have the luxury of time. I still keep daily ‘job lists’ but do not worry about ticking them all off. BlThere is tomorrow.

One of my problems is that now that, although my pace has slowed, the days slide along so smoothly I sometimes lose track, at times creating confusion with my family over appointments.

Must learn. 

Otherwise I am enjoying my happiest, most fulfilling days.


 days pass so quickly 



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