Tuesday, 15 February 2022

February. Airy 15


It’s taken nine weeks but I have achieved my aim of  a new life after almost three years being cared for in Sunrise Cardiff.

It was a challenge and a risk, with my family understandably concerned about my ability to go it alone, but I could visualise the difference it could make and was determined to go ahead. 

Last September, as soon as I saw the advertisement for the retirement flat near Windsor Court, our seafront home for over fifteen years, I knew that was the answer.

And here I am, thanks to huge help from my family, especially Robert and Karen and my niece Brenda and Ivor.

Having got rid of almost everything apart from my furniture which I had moved into SunriseI, had to start from scratch, a massive, expensive exercise but affordable with the end of the drain of care home fees. 

Like many people, the only way I could meet them was by selling up our home and hoping that my funds would not run out. I thought I could manage survive to my centenary.

With fees going up twice a year that became doubtful but it was not finance that decided me to give up but the prospect of becoming, like most of the residents, willing to accept a descent into an interminable routine with diminishing interests and minimum social contact.

 The result, success and confirmation of my hopes and ambition,

My new life is entirely different.I am happier than for years. My days are full and interesting and the challenges of the past few weeks have been daunting, but exciting.

I am now doing all I can to get fit  and am more active than for years. 

The worry of finding home help ended with the arrival of Melissa, as much a carer as helper.

With my now fully fitted kitchen I am again enjoying cooking and getting out on my scooter regularly. I have rejoined the Penarth Men’s Fellowship and the Penarth Yacht Club and am having a stream of visitors

Life could not be more interesting.

As I have recognised all my life, I am an amazingly lucky man. 

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