Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Blogging againhp

Blogging again.

My optimism has been low for most of the seven months I have spent here - often non existent . So I am ultra cautious in letting it creep in now. But there are signs to raise hopes.

I am feeling well, no pain and desperate to get out of bed and start to walk again.

Talking, at last, with a doctor last weekend I explained how I needed to do it. I was allowed to get up for two hours and it looks as though I can do so again today. 

No reason has ever been given for me being confined to bed for so long.

I am convinced that if I can get up regularly for a few weeks I can be mobile again, ready to go back home

 A huge change of life. 

Two big new improvements will help…. at last having teeth, due any day now, and repaired hearing aids that are making a tremendous difference.

So, cause for optimism, but I have been disappointed and frustrated for so long it is still just a hope. The next few weeks will decide

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