Saturday 12 September 2020

Coronavirus diary, Saturday 12 September

That's summer, that was. All our 2020 new year hopes for holidays dashed by coronavirus.

In early March we thought the crisis might be short-lived, that we might still be able to get away. 

The optimism was wishful thinking. My cruise, booked for late April, was soon cancelled, and as the weeks passed the holiday plans of millions were ruined.

Then, after months of lockdown, it looked as though we could take that well deserved break, but coronavirus was to beat us again.

A surge in cases around the world has led to governments closing borders and introducing quarantine restrictions for travellers.

Often restrictions were announced by our government with little notice, causing panicking holiday makers to dash for home to avoid having to spend two weeks in quarantine.

The aviation industry is in despair.With fleets of aircraft idle and thousands of staff losing their jobs, they warn the government that they are near collapse.

A staycation - holidaying in Britain - is the alternative and even that is presenting problems with popular resorts complaining of being overwhelmed by visitors.

With autumn on us and schools and businesses back to work the summer of 2020 is becoming a bad memory.

I have accepted P&O's offer of a discount and deferred what will probably be my last cruise, but the prospect looks grim.

My ship, the Ventura is going nowhere, one of ten anchored off the Dorset coast, as Robert observed on his holiday last week.

In the meantime I am taking some consolation remembering  holiday highlights over the years, Among the happiest are those with our children.

Rosemary and my first package holiday was to Blankenburg in Belgium with five year old five year old Beverley. We flew from Luton on an ancient DC 3 - Dakota - hitting a violent thunderstorm on the flight home.

Another memorable trip was with sixteen year old Robert to California and Disneyland when he was anxious to get home for his O level exam results.

My travels for work led to a love of exploring new countries and for many years Rosemary and I enjoyed tours, cruises and visits to our friends in America and Germany.

On one of our last cruises, Christmas in the Caribbean, we were thrilled to have an email telling us of the birth of our great granddaughter Rosa.

I have a world, a lifetime, of happy holiday memories.

I hope our family will have the same chance and not have their  hopes dashed by coronavirus. 

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