Friday 17 April 2020

Coronavirus diary, Friday 17 April

There's light at the end of the tunnel, says Dominic Raab, before warning us there are five more things we must do before we get out into the sunlight. The top priority, he says, is to carry on obeying orders, especially Stay at Home, blazoned  across the front of today's newspapers, part of the hugely expensive advertising campaign. It even interrupts the soothing music on Classic FM.

Almost as much space is given in every paper to the incredible fund raising effort by army veteran Captain Tom Moore,100 this month. He is shown walking in his garden. He has been doing so daily, raising money for the NHS. His target was a few thousand pounds but the trickle of donations has become a torrent, reaching £15 million and the money is still pouring in by the hour. 

In the Times, cartoonist  Peter Brookes shows the chancellor announcing a plan to 'boost our faltering economy' with, beside him, the captain plodding along with his walking aid, medals jingling, money showering down on him. Brilliant.

Here at Sunrise, another example of the thoughtfulness in keeping us up to date with how we are being protected and cared for. In her latest letter, the Chief Executive says she hopes the 'tone and content of the media coverage [about care homes] does not reflect the situation in Sunrise'. There is reassurance of adequate stocks off personal protective equipment (PPE) and details of the measures being taken to minimise the risk of the spread of the virus in Sunrise homes. That, plus Captain Moore - the media's ' Captain Fantastic' -  has made my day.

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