Monday 13 April 2020

Coronavirus diary, Good Friday 10 April

Pope Francis alone as he gives his Easter message
Like everything at this changed beyond recognition time, this Easter is different yet more relevant, more important than ever. Church doors are shut but this year a much wider congregation is thinking and praying at home. We may not be devout or even religious but what is happening in the world has made us understand better the values and virtues of Christian thought and behaviour. 

We have been nationally applauding the health workers and carers who, at risk to themselves and their loved ones, continue to serve us. Simple services, relayed from homes, not churches, provide comfort and hope. We look forward to next Easter, to remember with pride and gratitude the dedication and courage of those who risked their lives to save ours.

A Good Friday and a spring like no other
It's a summer sun shining on us this early spring day, an omen perhaps of brighter days ahead. For those not confined to their homes, a chance to go out for their daily exercise - a walk, jog or bike ride - or to shop. We can even buy Easter eggs, confirmed by the government after police, bewildered by conflicting reports of restrictions, searched shopping baskets. 

The news that the prime minister is out of intensive care has been greeted with relief and pleasure throughout the country, with warm messages from world leaders. How long it will be before he is back at work leading the country is uncertain, but we hope it is soon as his absence has exposed the deficiencies of his cabinet team. 

The confirmation that the lockdown must continue - inevitable with a heavy death toll reported daily, and the peak of the outbreak still to come - is a disappointment. But there is a greater realisation that our restricted lifestyle must continue as long as necessary to end this nightmare of a spring. 

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