Sunday 31 October 2021

Eyes on Glasgow

What a planet we live on. But for how long? Will it one day collide with another or will fires, floods or some other catastrophe signal the end? No doubt by then the rich will have rocketed up into outer space to live on another planet.

Forgive the doom laden thoughts, prompted by the start of the climate conference in Glasgow.

Most of the countries of our world are there, apart from a few whose action or lack of it could be the deciding factor for our future. And I can’t help questioning the sense in 30,000 people jetting in, clocking up gas guzzling miles. Why, with all the newfangled but effective communication resources, can’t it be more of an armchair exercise?

Boris Johnson is enjoying the international spotlight, bonhomie personified, brushing aside the obvious doubts with pseudo optimism.

A failure to achieve positive results would add to his lengthening list of tribulations but no doubt he will come up smiling.

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