Saturday, 24 September 2022

September 24

 Better days

At last I am becoming more confident that I am on the mend.

 After a veritable rollercoaster of days and weeks when my condition has been in turn encouraging and dispiriting, I am starting to feel more confident, just what is needed to offset the bad days.

After three months in bed I am now getting up for three hours or more a day, writing and reading - when my iPad is working as  the hospital signal is unreliable.This makes for some frustrating days.

With my radio also out of action I have often just had books provided by Robert to pass the long days.

I have learned how to take these darker days by following my belief  that tomorrow will be better and this has been the case.

I still have quite a way to go and I know it is dangerous to assume I might be home soon but I hope it may be before my 96th birthday in November.

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