September 26
One of the six men patients in my ward moved out this morning. Going home.
It left me with mixed feelings. Pleased for him but a little sad and impatient.
I am still here after so many weeks, making better progress now but still some way to go.
This was offset also this morning by the visit of an occupational therapist to discuss my future which has heartened me. She will decide what help I need and I have arranged for her to go to the flat to see the facilities and for her to check the height of bed, chairs etc.
It is essential that I can stand up and walk and that is what I shall soon be concentrating on. At present the hospital physio is more concerned with me getting out and back to bed and practice standing up and sitting down. It’s hard work but essential
I thought when I was moved into this ward I would enjoy the company of my fellow patients and although I like being with them I have only managed to speak to one. Strange but elderly enough in this si5uationndo not seem very sociable. Women are much more likely to enjoy a chat. Strange.