Friday 30 October 2020

Coronavirus diary, Friday 30 October

With pandemic uncertainty swirling around the world no-one can foresee when life will get back to normal. The likelihood is that will never happen; we will have to settle for a drastic change in direction and style and adapt.

We are at the storm centre of one of the biggest upheavals in generations but this is not unique. We have seen equally hazardous days when the country's whole future was at stake.

Forty years ago Britain was at its lowest ebb since the war with people and government divided. We had become ungovernable.

Raging inflation - over 20 percent - the lights on just three days a week, almost three million unemployed, mountains of rubbish uncollected in the streets. The position seemed hopeless.

Britain was saved by a steely, dogmatic leader, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, but at huge cost.

The lesson for today from that upheaval, revolution, is the need for strong, ruthless leadership and that is the most worrying aspect of these extraordinary times.

Looking back to the 1980s I am impressed by the quality of government, ministers and members.

Mostly men, they spoke clearly and directly, even when highly critical of the prime minister, who, at the time, seemed to be sinking. Mrs Thatcher fought on. An amazing leader. 

That is what is sadly lacking in these tumultuous days. Mr Johnson is the wrong leader, in fact he is no leader, and Britain needs much more than him and his raggle taggle army of foot soldiers.

No one seems capable of facing facts or trying to present openly and honestly the problems facing us and the dilemma of difficult decisions to be made. They are just not up to it. Out of their depth and dragging down the people's spirits.

One heartening sign is the increasingly robust performance of Sir Keir Starmer, navigating a tricky political path. He has a formidable task but at last there is a hint of a realistic, strong opposition to goad and perhaps guide this hesitant government.

Politics must take a back seat in the pandemic but it is still important if the country is to stay united and strong. 

Britain somehow has to drag itself back to confidence and self reliance.It succeeded, against the odds, forty years ago.

Britain was saved

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